Here Comes The Status Updates

Sorry about the picture above. It's clearly not me. Anyway... I thought, now that I'm settling into a blogging habit, that I would start to bring some structure into my posts. Originally I was only going to post once a month, but I seemd to be posting closer to a weekly basis. While the serial is running (Dragon Tide) the first post of the month will cover that release. I'll also try and do a USV post each month, as that's what most of you are here for. Another post will be a status post (like this) which will talk about what I've produced and worked on since the last status post. The shape and content will probably change a little, but for now I'll go with something like the below. That'll probably leave another post most months to cover off other writing projects like Ossard or what I'm up to generally.
Status Update#1: August

Hi all, I thought I’d post here a general update on what has been more than a couple of busy weeks!
I’ve been flat-out with writing, work, and life in general. But it hasn’t all been me locked away and pounding keyboards.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve wrapped up the following:
· 5 scheduled blog entries.
· 4 scheduled Patreon posts.
· 2 Dragon Tide instalments (19,500 words).
· 10,000 words of USV that falls around USV#4 Odin’s Hall and USV#5 Markland Aflame.
· 3,000 words of USV cowboy tales written for the timeline year of 1594AD. Yee-Hah!
· 12,000 words of USV adventure set in 1946AD.
Amidst all this, I also managed to squeeze in a three-day break at the Hunter Valley wineries north of Sydney. Fun times!
So far, everything in my new routine is holding up. The only thing I slipped up on a bit was my last Patreon post, which went up about 5 days late. Sorry about that. It was mainly because it was a big post and the day job was being pretty needy.
In any case, all is going well, so I’ll be staying on this timetable for now, and looking forward to a break from the craziness of it all mid-December when we head to Scandinavia for a White Christmas.